Graphics for World Environment Day 2024

Graphics for World Environment Day 2024

World Environment Day graphics for LinkedIn and X/Twitter available to download here, including the LSA pledge. Download images are high res, please feel free to co-brand and resize as appropriate. Additionally find our blog detailing green hacks to make a dent in your carbon impact – “Green Hacks with a Big Impact” here.

LinkedIN Graphics Graphics

World Environment Day Pledge 2024

World Environment Day Pledge 2024

To mark World Environment Day on the 5th of June we are urging LSA members to take the following pledge by downloading these graphics and sharing them on your social media channels, or by creating your own version using this copy.

Please tag us in your posts so we can amplify the message.

The pledge:

We pledge a commitment to environmental protection and land restoration. We will stay informed about relevant legal developments and contribute to a sustainable future through our professional roles.

Pledge for LinkedIn

Pledge for X/Twitter

The Green Hacks with a Big Impact

The Green Hacks with a Big Impact

Some surprisingly small changes that will make a big difference to your carbon impact to mark World Environment Day 2024.

Click for trees

Switch your browser. It is easy. Ecosia is a not-for-profit search engine that has planted over 206 million trees to date, with high monitoring requirements for all projects. Germany’s first B-Corps allocates 100% of profits to fighting climate change and environmental injustice; with 80% dedicated to tree planting projects and the other 20% invested in renewable energy, regenerative agriculture and grassroots activism.

Ecosia is a steward-owned company, meaning shares can’t be sold at a profit or owned by people outside of the company and no profits can be taken out of the company.

The search engine is powered by the Our Google and Bing algorithm, so whilst your results might not be as numerous as Google, they will likely be good enough to get you where you want to go. And you don’t need to worry about privacy, Ecosia is more privacy conscious than Google. You easily switch through an add on in Google Chrome and Safari for iOS 14. Other browsers that include an option to search with Ecosia include Adblock Browser, Maxthon, and Brave, or just simply download the browser.

Another green hack is to book your trains with Trainhugger. Also a B-Corps, Trainhugger contribute approximately a quarter of revenue to restoring the UK’s natural world, aiming to double UK woodland cover from 13% to 26% by 2025. Working in partnership with the Royal Forestry Society, they promise to plant a tree for every booking.

Like other major platforms, they support split-ticketing to save your budget and have a clean and fast interface, however, Trainhugger charges a flat booking fee of £1.50, of which £0.50 will go towards tree planting, which can make it more expensive than other platforms. For example, Trainline’s fees, based on your chosen journey, the ticket price, and when you’re booking, will currently vary between a minimum of 59p and a maximum of £2.79.

Garden game changers

Ditch the rhododendrons for the foxgloves, lily of the valley and hellebores!

Plant native species to support biodiversity. Plants, animals and insects depend on each other, but most insects will not eat non-native plants, so replace them and you’ll literally be feeding an ecosystem.

Native species will be far more resilient and require less resources, being well-adapted to the local climate, soil and other environmental conditions – using less water, no pesticides and be more resistant to local diseases.

What’s more, many native plants have deep root systems that help to improve soil structure, prevent erosion, and promote water infiltration, adding organic matter to improve your soil quality.

And while we are on gardens, if you have to water your garden during hot spells, do it in the evening to minimise evaporation and make the most of your water!

Keep the planet in mind when queueing for your sandwich

All food needs to be grown and processed, transported, distributed, prepared, consumed, and sometimes disposed of and every step of that journey creates CO2. We know you have heard it all before, but about a third of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions is linked to food. You don’t need to go vegan, but what you eat is much more important to your footprint than how far that food has travelled or how much packaging it has.

Transport and packaging typically account for only a small fraction of foods’ greenhouse gas emission, and although single use plastic is clearly to be avoided when possible, when it comes to CO2 the production of the food is key, with red meat and shellfish the biggest offenders.

So, if you are trying to choose between that bean burrito or a prawn mayo wrap, putting the planet into the mix will make all the difference.

Make your money matter 

Switch your pension to a fund that supports the planet. The UK has £3 trillion in pensions, some of which is invested in companies driving deforestation and funding fossil fuels. For every £10 you put in your pension, £2 is linked to deforestation. Check out Make My Money Matter, an organisation founded to help you green your money which has ranked the top 20 UK pension providers on their climate plans.

Tweak the heat 

Two easy wins: make sure you turn the heating OFF in the summer, rather than just turning the thermostat down, or your central heating system’s pump will remain running, consuming energy. To avoid this, choose the ‘hot water only’ setting.

While you are at it, switch off all appliances, rather than leaving them on standby. Any why not, in the winter, turn that thermostat down by a degree and grab a nice knit to cosy up with.

Making sure your fridges at home and in the office are at the recommended temperatures, rather than too cold, will also reduce your energy consumption every second of every day. The greenest energy is the energy that we don’t use!

Tips From the Experts on How to Deal With Climate Anxiety

Tips From the Experts on How to Deal With Climate Anxiety

‘Antarctica sea ice reaches alarming low for third year in a row’ 

‘Public transport workers join climate activists for week of strikes across Germany’

‘Cholera: An overlooked outcome of climate change’

The headlines keep coming. And with them, inevitably, comes a spike in our climate anxiety. But when does normal concern tip towards thinking which can negatively impact our mental health, and how do we stop this from happening? And can eco-anxiety be framed as a positive force which brings people together and drives action?

We know that lawyers are under immense stress at work, with evidence suggesting legal professionals are at a higher risk of burnout than the general population. According to research carried out by LawCare, a mental health charity in the sector, over 60 per cent of lawyers reported suffering from anxiety ‘often, very often, or all of the time’ over the preceding 12 months. Despite workplace intervention, the problem is not getting better. The charity reported a 24 per cent increase in contacts in 2023.

So what about lawyers who are working on the front line of sustainability?

Climate anxiety is defined as how we respond psychologically to the climate crisis. Our responses may go beyond anxiety to include grief, anger, overwhelm, betrayal and guilt. It is not a mental health condition in its own right, in fact it could be argued it’s a normal response to an existential crisis. However, an excess of climate anxiety can lead to a range of secondary problems related to mental health, such as panic, insomnia or depression.

It’s an issue impacting a large, and growing, proportion of the population. Youth non-profit organisation Force of Nature found that more than 70 per cent of young people feel hopeless in the face of the climate crisis and as many as 56 per cent believe humanity is doomed. At the same time, only 26 per cent feel that they know how to contribute to solving the problem.

Research carried out by York University showed young people are more likely to feel anger than fear about the climate crisis. But Rowenna Davis, director of the Global Future think tank, says that can be positive: “Fear can make you risk-averse and sometimes it can make you go inwards, but anger is much closer to hope, it’s a motivating force, it forces you to confront, it’s more active.”

Meanwhile, work done by Yale University in the US shows that collective action can form a buffer against climate anxiety. Clinical psychologist Sarah Lowe says her work in this area suggests that engaging in collective action has a multitude of benefits, including social connectedness with people who share similar goals and values.

“We know from a large body of literature that social support is one of the strongest predictors of mental well-being” Sarah said. “We also thought that individuals who engaged in collective action – particularly if they saw those actions as having an impact – could have a stronger sense of self-efficacy and hope for the future. On the other hand, there’s some research that people who engage in activism can be at risk for burnout.”

Most research in this area points to one main principle: the best way to address climate anxiety is to take action. But it’s important to maintain a level of self-care while doing so. Dr Emma Lawrence, mental health innovations fellow at Imperial College London, said: “As individuals and communities, we can work towards a more positive vision of the future. There is a way to take action and create that positive future yourself. But we need to take care of ourselves in the process.”

Some thoughts from the experts:

  • Take action – but be kind to yourself

It’s important to avoid burnout. If your job involves these issues allow yourself to step away and switch off in the evenings and at the weekends.

  • Acknowledge the truth of the situation, while knowing you are having a positive input

In the face of the news about climate change, it’s understandable to feel anxious. But don’t get stuck in these feelings.

  • Forge connections and support others who are taking action

Youth climate activists reported feeling positively connected to a global community.

  • Do not hold yourself overly accountable

No one person should feel they have to carry the burden of the climate crisis on their shoulders. The real difference will be made by systemic change, do what you can to support that.

  • Create hope

The creation of hope can be an active process, not a passive thing you have to wait for. If you are taking action you are part of the solution.

  • Notice and celebrate the actions you are taking towards protecting the planet, however large or small

Everything counts.

  • Spend time in nature

This can be balancing and replenishing, helping you to work from the positive. This can help counter feelings of overwhelm.

  • Journal

Record how you are feeling and how you are responding to those feelings. This will give you more insight into knowing when you need to step away and give yourself space.

“We don’t want people to feel stuck in their sadness about the climate crisis,” says Emma. “What can be helpful is when people hold their anger and sadness about wider inaction, and about the losses we face, but alongside this hold that there is hope and a reason to take action.”

The LSA is here to support you in taking action. If you are facing a challenge at work in tackling the climate crisis, we can help. Contact us and we will explore solutions throughout our network. And we would like to celebrate your successes! Email [email protected], we would love to hear from you.



Blog written by Rachel Millichip, Millichip Media.

Navigating Climate-Related Legal Risks and Opportunities

Navigating Climate-Related Legal Risks and Opportunities

LSA members are eligible for a 10% discount when booking this new course from The Oxford Sustainable Law Programme at the University of Oxford.

See the course brochure – Navigating-Climate-Related-Legal-Risks-and-Opportunities FINAL

Dates 24 – 28 June 2024
Duration  5 day residential
Location Oxford
Accommodation En-suites at historic St Peter’s College

In a world grappling with disruptive climate change and an unprecedented transition of our societies towards net zero, climate-related legal action has emerged as a critical force shaping the future of business, government, and society. For senior leaders and their advisors, understanding the intersection of law and climate change has become paramount. The University of Oxford is proud to introduce its first executive education course specifically designed around these challenges.

LSA Members can claim a 10% discount by registering here.

The Course

This new five-day course – delivered on-site at the historic and picturesque University of Oxford – offers a deep dive into the state of the art and future directions of the law in the context of climate change, studied through the lens of climate-related legal risks and opportunities. Delivered by world-leading Oxford faculty and other world class experts, we will examine and discuss key legal and regulatory developments in the context of climate change against the backdrop of relevant scientific, political, and economic developments. Topics include:

  • Current trends and future directions in net zero policy, regulation, and climate litigation
  • Understanding international legal frameworks relating to climate change
  • Latest advances in scientific understanding of climate change impacts
  • State of the art in the science, politics, and economics of net zero
  • An economic analysis of legal risks and opportunities resulting from climate-related legal actions.

Whether your work and interests lie in government, law, professional services, business, non-profit advocacy, or elsewhere, this immersive and interactive course will equip you with the knowledge, insight, and connections to understand and navigate the rapidly evolving legal landscape. You will be equipped to anticipate future directions in climate-related legal action, and thrive in a world where climate, economics, policy, and law are increasingly salient and intertwined.

Course Objectives

Throughout the programme participants will:

  • Obtain a birds-eye-view of the key trends and future directions of climate-related legal actions and their impacts on society and businesses
  • Gain proficiency in analysing and interpreting complex legal issues related to climate change, enabling you to identify and evaluate potential solutions and strategies, and their impacts on businesses, government and non-profit activities
  • Dive deep into critical topics at the intersection of climate change, including the latest developments in net zero regulation and policy, climate litigation, and climate science
  • Appreciate how climate-related legal actions affect the nature, magnitude, and distribution of financial climate risk exposures – gaining a deep insight into the economic and financial implications of climate-related legal actions that builds on the latest available science
  • Build a strong international network of like-minded professionals from diverse backgrounds and industries, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing
  • Immerse in a unique academic and cultural environment including traditional Oxford customs such as candlelit college dinners, Oxford Union-style debates, punting on the River Cherwell, and historical city tours

Find out more about the course online here and in the PDF brochure here: Navigating Climate Related Risk Brochure.


A Call For Greater Transparency from Law Students for Climate Accountability

A Call For Greater Transparency from Law Students for Climate Accountability

By Haley Czarnek. Haley served on LSCA’s first National Leadership Committee as a 3L at the University of Alabama, and graduated in May 2022. Haley has since begun developing their role as LSCA’s first National Director, and is excited to support the committee and student organizers as they build a movement to change the culture of the legal profession.


The legal industry benefits tremendously from a lack of transparency. The average person, certainly in the Global North but frequently beyond, has decent familiarity with oil giants like Chevron, Exxon, Shell, BP, and Saudi AramCo. Moreover, many people associate certain companies with specific catastrophes, such as BP’s Deepwater Horizon spill in 2010. But even global behemoth Kirkland and Ellis is likely to be known by a relatively small section of the population, given the billions of dollars they rake in annually. Spectacularly bad press about Jones Day’s involvement with some of Donald Trump’s many legal cases stuck in the public eye more strongly than any other BigLaw representation I can recall—but it remains a multi-billion dollar firm.

Law firms are thus able to facilitate many hundreds of billions in fossil fuel transactions with little to no public scrutiny, in spite of the critical role lawyers play in the process of development and extraction. Many law firms also lobby for weaker regulations, and dozens of the largest firms in the world lend their litigation services to defend Big Oil’s profit margins in court, often against communities they’ve poisoned. Of course, this is all in addition to the oil majors’ sizable in-house teams. If every law firm in the world dropped their fossil fuel clients, those companies would still have better access to representation than most frontline communities that have been harmed by dangerous fossil fuel infrastructure—to say nothing of all those suffering from the present-day effects of climate change.

It might seem strange, then, that I belong to an organization, Law Students for Climate Accountability (LSCA), that is focused on getting firms to do exactly that: drop their fossil fuel clients. What’s the point, if those clients will always have representation anyways?

My organizing journey has its roots in Alabama’s labor movement, and I’ve been privileged to know incredible people who are fighting David-and-Goliath style battles every day. Of the many lessons I’ve learned from them, two are particularly relevant here. First, it matters how we do (and don’t!) use our labor. Workers that are very organized can use petitions, pickets, slowdowns, sickouts, and strikes, while even small groups can leverage whistleblowing to hold their management to account for malfeasance. In the legal profession, students can also play a potent role by collectively making it known that they care about their future and understand that firms’ fossil fuel work is endangering that future. Because the product that law firms sell is their talent, law students and associates have more leverage than many of them realize at present.

The second lesson that sticks out to me is the power of a supermajority. Good organizers don’t spend all their time talking to the most hostile segment of the group they’re engaging. Instead, they start by seeking out two categories of people: the individuals that are most primed to join them, and the leaders that are capable of bringing the largest number of people along. If they are successful at recruiting those two groups, hostilities are likely to soften, even if they don’t abate. Regardless, a supermajority can achieve big wins in spite of naysayers. And because the legal industry is incredibly gatekept and elite, a cultural shift is likely to ripple out to every hall of power. It is my firm belief that even this conservative and profit-driven profession can build a supermajority of people who are self-interested in a habitable world, and willing to not just turn down fossil fuels work, but also to tell their peers they shouldn’t spend their valuable time exacerbating climate chaos, either.

These are some of the principles that animate my work with LSCA. The organization grew out of protests in early 2020, with students at Yale, Harvard, NYU and Michigan showing up recruitment events hosted by Paul Weiss calling on them to #DropExxon, which has long been on the firm’s client list. It was unusual in such a risk-averse field and drew media attention, but to date, Paul Weiss has yet to respond.

Determined to keep momentum, a subset of the protestors decided to expand their focus and ultimately created the first Law Firm Climate Change Scorecard as part of a report that outlined the critical role that lawyers play in maintaining and expanding fossil fuel infrastructure. They decided to name the project Law Students for Climate Accountability, but at the time they chose the name, had no idea their work would go farther than that. After its publication in October 2020, the flurry of attention that resulted—drawing the eyes of reporters, academics, activists, and of course law students and lawyers—made it clear that this information was both crucial and not available elsewhere. Thus LSCA was born, and the original crew set out to find a group of student leaders from across the US to formalize the group and chart its course.

Around that time, I was beginning to think much more seriously about the scale of the climate crisis. I was born in California, and the state’s record-setting 2020 wildfire season made it clear to me that climate migration was already occurring, and not just in the Global South. I started to wonder incessantly about the fine line between habitable and uninhabitable land, and how many people were already living in that gray zone but still rebuilding, either out of love for their home or a lack of other options or both. I decided to organize a few virtual panels exploring climate migration, and that ended up being one of the best decisions of my life. It was through that little conference that I met Camila Bustos and Alisa White, both Yale Law students who were beginning to turn the Scorecard into a national organization. I eventually became one of LSCA’s inaugural student leaders, and spent that year working alongside more than a dozen other students to determine what, exactly, LSCA should be.

Over the course of the year, we worked to release a new Scorecard and make it an annual publication; we restructured our student committee and recruited new leaders; and we landed on our mission and vision:

LSCA activates and mobilizes the power of law students to transform the legal industry’s role from exacerbating climate injustice to meaningfully supporting a just transition away from fossil fuels. We aspire to move legal ethics and practice towards a just transition for our planet, in solidarity with frontline communities, to build an equitable and sustainable world in our lifetimes.

That year, we also successfully raised enough funds to expand our work and bring on our first staff person—which, I am incredibly privileged to say, ending up being me. It’s been a whirlwind journey developing my role alongside incredible colleagues who have become my friends. I deeply cherish our commitment to building an internal culture that is strong and supportive enough to counter the hegemonic forces in the legal industry that have long stymied progress in favor of profit. It is that commitment, I believe, that has kept us going for several years now, and has helped us connect with an ever-widening audience, including abroad.

Our strongest international interest has come from the UK, and with support from a number of academics and attorneys, we gathered together a group of students to replicate what the team was doing in the US. Last summer, they produced our first report on UK law firms, and six of those report authors have since stepped up to serve as our first UK student leaders. They are building connections with students and lawyers across the country, and we are excited to turn last year’s report into an annual production. We’re also working with a number of clinics to produce additional research that can be used to spur organizing, and have already had the chance to connect with a number of employees at major law firms. I have been heartened by the reception that our work has received in the UK, and believe our young and growing transcontinental movement is already making waves in the industry—but we need all the people power we can get.

If you’re a current or aspiring legal worker who values a consistent food supply; access to clean water; weather that doesn’t cause many thousands of excess heat deaths; and the prospect of a liveable world for future generations, I hope you’ll join us. Together, we can and will build an equitable and sustainable world in our lifetimes.