
Carbon Calculator
Members News

Events of Interest

New dates are being added so please keep checking for updates.



The Global Goals in Action


TIME: 12.30pm

Join Matt Sparkes, Sustainability Director at Linklaters and Mike Harvey, Head of Responsible Business at Pinsent Masons as they explore the Global Goals and their potential to inspire firm-wide engagement with your sustainability agenda. This event is the first in our new series, ‘The Green Brief – Practical Guides for Law Firms.’

 Register here



Labour’s 100 Days: What Does it Mean for Policy?

LOCATION: Online, 12pm

Join our two policy experts; Karla Hill, Associate Director, Political Economy and Governance at E3G and Sophia Adams Bhatti, Strategy Fellow at Achill Legal, as they reflect on what the first 100 days of the new government means for the environment, for policy and for law firms as they tackle the climate crisis.

Register here




Getting Ready to Measure Your Carbon Emissions

LOCATION: Online, 12pm

Understanding your firm’s carbon impact is a key step toward achieving net zero. Jim Haywood explores what factors contribute to your footprint, how to get the data you need to measure them and clever ways to fill gaps when you don’t have all of the information. This session forms the basis for future webinars which will focus on what we do with the data and how to set and achieve carbon reduction targets.

Register here


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The LSA Carbon Calculator is a free to use online platform that members can use to measure all your emissions – across scopes 1 2 and 3. Compliant with SECR and SBTi this online tool has been designed especially for law firms. Use it as many times as you want for as many locations as you want.

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Simply collect your emissions data for energy, water, waste, travel, procurement and scope 3 supply chain – and the tool does the rest. Using the latest DEFRA emissions factors the Carbon Calculator gives you an accurate picture of your annual CO2e emissions.

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Set targets for reduction. Your carbon footprint is the starting point to set targets for emissions reduction. You don’t have to be an SBTi firm to be on a net zero journey – set a target to reduce year on year and start your journey today.

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