Terms of Reference for LSA Working Groups
Terms of Reference for Working Group Members
Purpose of group: A confidential, peer to peer learning forum, operating primarily for the benefit of working group participants to help:
- the sharing of best practice
- the identification of common challenges
- support problem-solving
- create resources and recommendations for LSA members
- Membership of the working group is exclusively for LSA members (whether exec members or not), and is included as a benefit of membership
- Members should attend as many meetings as possible, including in person meetings where possible
- Consideration should be given to sending another representative from the firm if attendance in person is not possible
- Inform [email protected] if you cannot attend a meeting
- Members are asked to contribute fully to the discussions and fulfil any actions in a timely manner
Terms of Reference for Group Leaders (Volunteers):
- To chair meetings every 6 – 8 weeks
- To be available to chair in person meetings (1 in 4)
- To liaise with the secretariat to agree an agenda, and subsequent action points
- To bring expertise and experience to the group
Terms of Reference for Group Leaders (Consultant):
- To chair meetings every 6 – 8 weeks
- To be available to chair in person meetings (1 in 4)
- To take talking and action point notes which are agreed by the group before the end of the meeting
- To liaise with the secretariat to distribute agenda and subsequent action points as required
- To bring expertise and experience to the group
Modus operandi:
- The Chatham House rule applies
- The working group aims to meet every 6 to 8 weeks, although may choose to meet more frequently initially
- The LSA secretariat can support with scheduling of meetings
- The working groups may choose to bring in guest speakers / key experts as required
- Substantial points of learning can be shared back with the wider LSA (but only as and when appropriate)
- The group does not seek to develop a large workstream, but if there is demand (e.g. for an LSA branded toolkit) or any other resource, budget approval will be sought from the LSA